Opera performances list:
This is a list of some of the most popular operas, of all genres, from the 17th and 18th centuries. Many of them are still regularly performed today.
Important operatic milestones in history:
1598 Dafne (Jacopo Peri). The first opera, performed in Florence (music now lost).
1600 Euridice (Peri). The earliest opera whose music survives.
1625 La liberazione di Ruggiero (Francesca Caccini). First opera by a woman.
1627 Dafne (Heinrich Schütz). First German opera. Music now lost.
1671 Pomone (Robert Cambert). Often regarded as the first French opera.
1701 La púrpura de la rosa (Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco, born in Spain in 1644). Earliest known opera composed in the Americas.
1711 Partenope (Manuel de Zumaya). The first opera written by an American-born composer and the earliest known full opera produced in North America.
Other early operas of importance:
1607 L'Orfeo (Claudio Monteverdi). This is widely regarded as the first operatic masterwork.
1640 Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria (Monteverdi). Monteverdi's first opera for Venice, based on Homer's Odyssey, displays the composer's mastery of portrayal of genuine individuals as opposed to stereotypes.
1642 L'incoronazione di Poppea (Monteverdi). Monteverdi's last opera, composed for a Venetian audience, is often performed today. Its Venetian context helps to explain the complete absence of the moralizing tone often associated with opera of this time.
1644 Ormindo (Francesco Cavalli). One of the first of Cavalli's operas to be revived in the 20th century, Ormindo is considered one of his more attractive works.
1649 Giasone (Cavalli). In Giasone Cavalli, for the first time, separated aria and recitative.[2] Giasone was the most popular opera of the 17th century.
1651 La Calisto (Cavalli). The ninth of the eleven operas that Cavalli wrote with Faustini is noted for its satire of the deities of classical mythology.
1683 Dido and Aeneas (Henry Purcell). Often considered to be the first genuine English-language operatic masterwork. Not first performed in 1689 at a girls' school, as is commonly believed, but at Charles II's court in 1683.
1692 The Fairy-Queen (Purcell). A semi-opera rather than a genuine opera, this is often thought to be Purcell's finest dramatic work.
1760 La buona figliuola (Niccolò Piccinni). Piccinni's work was initially immensely popular throughout Europe. By 1790 over 70 productions of the opera had been produced and it had been performed in all the major European cities.
1762 Orfeo ed Euridice (Christoph Willibald Gluck). Gluck's most popular opera. The first work in which the composer tried to reform the excesses of Italian opera seria.
1767 Alceste (Gluck). Gluck's second "reform" opera, nowadays usually given in its French revision of 1776.
1768 Bastien und Bastienne (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). Mozart's one-act Singspiel was set to a parody of Rousseau's Le devin du village.
1770 Mitridate, re di Ponto (Mozart). Composed when Mozart was 14, Mitridate was written for a demanding cast of star singers and is over 6 hours long in production.
1772 Lucio Silla (Mozart). This opera from Mozart's teenage years was not revived until 1929 after its initial run of 25 performances.
1774 Iphigénie en Aulide (Gluck). Gluck's first opera for Paris.
1775 La finta giardiniera (Mozart). This work is generally recognized as Mozart's first opera buffa of significance.
1775 Il re pastore (Mozart). Mozart's last opera of his adolescence was set to a libretto by Metastasio.
1779 Iphigénie en Tauride (Gluck). Gluck's "last and perhaps greatest masterpiece.
1786 Le nozze di Figaro (Mozart). The first of the famous series of Mozart operas set to libretti by Lorenzo Da Ponte is now Mozart's most popular opera.
1797 Médée (Luigi Cherubini). The only French opera of the Revolutionary period to be regularly performed today. A famous showcase for sopranos such as Maria Callas.
List Source: Wikipedia